Welcome to CECNet 2022!
Considering the uncertainty caused by the global pandemic of COVID-19, the 12th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2022) will be changed to fully online conference via Microsoft Teams during November 4-7, 2022 instead of offline conference in Xiamen, China as originally scheduled.
It is held annually to provide a comprehensive global forum for experts and participants from academia to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the most state-of-the-art areas of electronics technology, communication engineering and technology, wireless communications engineering and technology, computer engineering and technology. The plenary session of CECNet 2022 will include Keynote Speeches, Invited Speeches, Poster Presentations and Oral Presentations.
Xiamen, also known as Amoy (from Hokkien pronunciation), is located on the southeast coast of China, under the jurisdiction of China’s Fujian Province. The city shares the characteristics of a metropolis as well as the quietness and ease of a romantic town. Such a unique contrast plus the year-around pleasant weather and climate make Xiamen a perfect place for holiday. In Xiamen, there are countless amazing tourist islands and beaches waiting for your steps, including the world-renowned Gulangyu Island - the sacred UNESCO World Heritage Site and "Garden on the Sea". Xiamen has been awarded honors such as Four Consecutive National Civilized City, China's Outstanding Tourism City, National Model City for Environmental Protection, National Hygienic City, National Garden City, International Garden City and UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor Award.
The past 11 events are successfully held: CECNet 2021 online, CECNet 2020 online, CECNet 2019 in Kitakyushu (Japan), CECNet 2018 in Bangkok (Thailand), CECNet 2017 in Taiwan, CECNet 2016 in Macau, CECNet 2015 in Shanghai, CECNet 2014 in Beijing, CECNet 2013 in Xianning, CECNet 2012 in Yichang and CECNet 2011 in Xianning.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite professionals and research fellows all over the world to participate in CECNet 2022.
Important Dates
Time Countdown 0 Days Left
Last Round of Submission Deadline:
October 10, 2022
Submission System Review System
Files Download
1.Conference Program
2.Abstract Template
3.Full Paper Template for FAIA Conference Proceedings
4. POSTER Template
5. 2022 CFP Brochure

Paper Publication
All accepted full papers from CECNet 2022 will be published by IOS book series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, CPCI, etc. Indexing information could be found at http://www.frontiersinai.com/?q=indexingSome selected papers will be published in the following SCI or EI indexed journals:

IF: 1.14
ISSN 1607-9264
Indexed by: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
IF: 2.146
ISSN 1530-8669 (Print) ISSN: 1530-8677 (Online)
Special issue: Artificial Intelligence Empowered IoT Big Data Analytics Towards Smart Cities

ISSN online 2352-0973 ISSN print 2352-0965
Indexed by:Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)

ISSN: 1864-5909 (Print); 1864-5917 (Online)
Special issue: Towards robust explainable and interpretable artificial intelligence
Indexed by: ACM Digital Library, CNKI, DBLP, EBSCO Discovery Service, EI Compendex, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Google Scholar
Best Oral Presentation Award
Congratulation that 4 winners of the Best Oral Presentations from CECNet2022 are awarded with the free registration to CECNet2023:Speech title: An Experience with a Design and Fabrication of an Inset-Fed Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Built on an Ultra Thin Substrate in the S-Band
Session 2: Assoc. Prof. Tsung-Hui Chang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) and Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, China
Speech title: Quantized Federated Learning under Transmission Delay and Outage Constraints
Session 3: Dr. Pengxing Guo, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunica-tions, China
Speech title: A Photonic Neural Network Accelerator Featuring Hybrid Mode-Wavelength Division Multiplexing and Photonic Nonvolatile Memory
Session 4: Prof. Jianxin Lin, Qingdao Innovation and Development Center of Har-bin Engineering University, China
Speech title: Highly Sensitive High-temperature Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices
Best Paper Award
Congratulation that 3 winners of Best Paper from CECNet2022 are awarded with the Bonus 1000 (RMB) with Certificate from conference organizing committee.Authors: Guojiang SHEN, Nali LIU, Yinghui LIU, Wenfeng ZHOU and Xiangjie KONG
Title: Performance Analysis of 256-QAM Demodulation for 5G NR Sidelink
Authors: Alexander MALTSEV, Igor SERUNIN, Andrey PUDEEV, Jin-Yup HWANG and Sang-Wook LEE
Title: Cost-Efficient Service Function Chaining with CoMP Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Mobile Edge Networks
Authors: Yuan GAO, Hai FANG and Kan WANG

2. Considering the uncertainty caused by the global pandemic of COVID-19, the 12th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet 2022) will be changed to fully online conference via Microsoft Teams during November 4-7, 2022 instead of offline conference in Xiamen, China as originally scheduled. Sorry for any inconvenience.【Sep. 29, 2022】
3. All the accepted papers for CECNet 2021 conference proceeding have been included in EI Compendex, Scopus, etc. within 2 months after it is published online by IOS Press in volume 345 of the book series of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications with ISBN 978-1-64368-240-2 (print) | 978-1-64368-241-9 (online).【Feb. 10, 2022】
4. All accepted papers for CECNet 2021 conference proceeding have been published online by IOS Press in Volume 345 of the book series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA).【Dec. 30, 2021】
5. CECNet 2021 was held online successfully via MS Teams during Nov. 18-21, 2021 due to the great support of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications. Thanks for all the presenters and audiences. Hope to see you all physically next year.【Nov. 22, 2021】
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