Poster Presentation
Poster Presentation provides an opportunity for effective one-to-one communication. To make a successful poster presentation, please be sure to review the following instructions:1. Instructions for Poster Presentation
There is no size constraint for the e-poster, if you have difficult to decide one, then A1 size (594mm×841mm) is recommended.Please send the poster at .PDF format before October 20th, 2022. The Poster would be updated on the conference website after pre-review and confirmation.
The Poster could design as you like with requirements as below:
√ The conference short name (CECNet 2022) and paper ID (CNT****) should be clearly shown in the header;
√ Title, presenter, and affiliation information should be well indicated;
√Attached is the Poster Sample for your reference.
Signed and stamped electronic presentation certificate would be issued via e-mail after the presentation is delivered.
2. Important Notice
Due to the nature of an online conference, all posted poster presentations will be available publicly. It is important for presenters to understand that items available at the conference website are public, citable, shareable, and available online for a long time.Presenters who have preliminary/sensitive data that do not comfortable posting online, please take care of the data or sensitive information during the presentation.
For attendees, in case some works are in progress, we expect you not to cite them or download them without permission of the presenter.