Invited Speaker
Sudan Jha
Professor, SM-IEEE, EIC, Principal Scientist, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kathmandu University, NepalSpeech Title: An Integration of IoT, IoC, and IoE towards Building a Green Society
Abstract: Energy waste altogether adds to expanded expenses in the car fabricating industry, which is liable to energy use limitations and tax assessment from national and global strategy creators and confinements and charges from national energy suppliers. This checking is essential for energy sparing since it empowers organizations to roll out operational improvements to diminish energy utilization and expenses. The primary test to energy observation is the need to incorporate assembling and energy checking and control gadgets that help diverse correspondence conventions and are generally dispersed over a wide region. One of the most significant challenges in the advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been the powering of billions of connected devices. Evaluation of digital services considering an energy impression of the Internet normally requires models of the energy intensity of the Internet. A typical way to deal with the display of the energy intensity is to consolidate assessments of market studies of introduced gadgets on a national or worldwide scale and their related power utilization with the aggregate information volume transported at a similar scale. Energy sources are a fundamental part of society development, and a steady power supply is essential for today抯 progress. End-use energy is transferred to various consumers via power transmission and circulation networks after being transformed to optional energy as electricity by various power facilities. The power grid serves as the physical stage for both wide-area electric power sharing and display exchanges, and it is at the heart of auxiliary energy sources. In this manner, it attempts to connect the part of a center point between essential energy and end-use energy. With the bidirectional power stream given by the Energy Internet, different techniques are elevated to enhance and increase the energy usage between Energy Internet and Main-Grid. Energy proficiency and, in addition, quick information transmission are fundamental to green correspondences-based applications for IoT. Here, we are trying to provide a state-of-the-art survey over various Internet of Energy techniques along with IoT.
Keywords: IoT; IoC; IoE; Green Energy; Society 5.0; Industrial IoT;
Biography: Prof. Sudan Jha is a Senior IEEE member; Principal Scientist in the Himalayan country Nepal. Presently, he is working as a Professor and RAC member at the School of Sciences, Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi, India. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2015; received his graduation/post-graduation in engineering from MNREC (Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College), Allahabad, India in 2001. He has around 75 accepted and published research papers and book chapters in reputed SCI, SCIE, ESCI, and SCOPUS indexed journals, conferences. He is Editor-in-Chief in an international journal published from South Korea. He has two patents in his name. Additionally, he has authored, edited 6 books for recent advanced topics in IoT, 5G, AI for the publishers like Elsevier, CRC and AAP. He is an internationally acclaimed Keynote Speaker in several international conferences, Resource Person in National/International faculty development programs, Short term training programs for faculties and students. He has served as Guest Editor in several SCIE and ESCI journals, reviewer/TPC member in various conferences and journals. Prof. Jha, an enthusiastic researcher with 20+ years of experience in Academics with proven track record in University Administration, researcher, Software Project Developer/Manager; he is an IBM certified Engineer on “Microservices Architecture And Implementation”; Certified Data Scientist with proficiency in Python; “Machine Learning - Linear Regression”- which is certified by NASSCOM and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India certified, Certified in “Foundations of Artificial Intelligence” by SkillsUp.
His research area of interest includes Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning (Deep Learning), Neutrosophic theory and Neutrosophic Soft Set Systems.